Gun control facts and statistics

The United States is listed as the country with the most number of civilian gun owners. Recent Gun Control Statistics show that there are about 120 guns per every 100 Americans. Gun ownership in the United States is not as complex as every citizen of legal age has a right to own a gun for protection purposes. The legal system has put in place measure to ensure that firearms are controlled among citizens. Ownership, manufacturing, allocation of, and destruction of firearms is regulated by the federal gun laws in place.


What is Gun Control? Gun Control Statistics Explained in Detail

The gun control debate often turns up after every mass shooting. But what exactly is entailed in firearms regulations? In essence, gun control can be defined as the set policies that police the manufacture, ownership, sale, and transfer of guns by common citizens. Gun control proponents push for legislation, enforcement, and application of measures that will limit the ownership and use of firearms by civilians. The second amendment of the American constitution interprets the policies for gun possession. Those who oppose gun control argue that restricting the use of guns is unwise because citizens will not be able to protect themselves when faced with danger. The Gun Control debate is still a contentious issue that is widely discussed by the American public and congressional committees. Some view the regulation of guns as one of the solutions to stop mass shootings.

The recent past has unfortunately seen a rise in mass shootings and misuse of firearms by both legal and illegal gun owners. The deaths reported have caused numerous debates in the public domain and Congress, yet nothing conclusive has been achieved so far. According to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), 2019 alone has had a total number of 10950 gun incidents across the country. 2979 people have lost their lives so far. Gun control statistics show that 2018 registered the highest number of school shootings ever, with 94 school gun violence incidents. The US Naval Postgraduate School also reported that 55 people were killed in the gun attacks. Most of these shootings happen in places like businesses, private residences, worship buildings like churches and temples, government properties and of course schools and any other open place.

Gun deaths in the United States get an awful great deal of attention. Rightfully so, as a developed nation, the rate of violent deaths including a gun, and the horrendously regular shootings targeting schools, is high. Compared to the whole world though, the U.S. rate can be found in well listed below nations such as El Salvador and Venezuela which had 72.5 and 64.3 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 population in 2016, respectively. According to the Little Arms Survey, in the U.S. this rate is 3.1.


5 of the Deadliest Mass Shootings in the United States in the Past Decade

Las Vegas Shooting: October 1, 2017.

The shooter was 64-year-old Stephen Paddock who opened fire in a concert at the Mandalay Bay Resort and casino. 58 people lost their lives and about 500 were wounded. The shooter opened fire for about 15 minutes before law enforcers got to the scene. Stephen Paddock was later found dead in a hotel room. His death was ruled as a suicide.

Orlando Shooting: June 12, 2016.

29-year-old Omar Saddiqui Mateen started shooting at revelers in a gay night club in what came to be one of the worst mass shootings in the US. 49 people died and about 53 sustained injuries. Police reports showed that Omar had links with the terrorist group ISIS. He was shot dead in the club as police tried to free the hostages he had held captive.

Virginia Tech shooting: April 16, 2007.

Seung-Hui Cho, a 23-year-old student began shooting random people at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, in Blacksburg. The mass shooter of Korean descent killed 32 people and injured about 20 others. The shooting happened in two locations; West Ambler Johnston Hall and Norris Hall. Seung-Hui Cho later turned the gun on himself.

Sandy Hook Shooting: December 14, 2012.

20 children between the ages of 6 and 7, and 6 adults who were staff and members of Sandy Hook Elementary school faculty were killed by Adam Lanza, a 20-year-old mass murderer. The shooter had shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, at home before going on a shooting spree at the Connecticut school. The shooter later killed himself.

Sutherland Springs Shooting: November 5, 2017.

The lives of 26 people and one unborn child were put to an end by one Devin Patrick Kelley. 20 others were injured in the mass shooting which took place at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. The 26-year-old was found dead in his car in what police believed to be a self-inflicted death. The Sutherland Shooting recorded the highest number of deaths caused by mass shootings in places of worship.



How likely are you to die in a mass shooting? It is the least of your worries. You are more than a thousand times more likely to die from Parkinson’s Disease.



A Shift In Gun Control Mindset

When taking a look at the period prior to the Parkland shooting, it is interesting to see how younger generations feel about gun control.

The support for gun control over the defense of gun rights in America is greatest among 18 – 29 years of age, according to a study by the Pew Research Center, with a spike after the shooting in 2016 at an Orlando nightclub. The general trend is showing a decrease in support for gun control over weapon rights considering since the year 2000.



Safety Measures for Gun Owners

You can’t ignore the Gun Control Statistics presented in this article. At Centerfire Shooting Sports we take gun safety very seriously and we believe that responsible firearm owners are not a threat to society. However, gun safety starts with you, the gun owner. The following tips are crucial to becoming a responsible firearm owner.

Understand the firearm you are using

Do not use any gun without properly researching on how it should be handled. Know every part of your gun and understand how to operate it. Do not use a gun you are not familiar with out of curiosity or just because you find it fancy. Different guns have features which vary from one gun to another. Do not jump to use a pistol if you are only familiar with shotguns. Get to learn about everything mechanical about your gun.

Unload your gun when not using it

Make it a habit to only load your gun when you are in a shooting area or a safe field. Otherwise, ensure that your ammunition is stored in a secure place. Isolate your firearms even as you load them. Always remember to unload the gun after you are done using it. Do not go with the loaded gun in your car, house or any other place where the gun can be accessed by either children or people who are not authorized to handle firearms. Open the action, look at the receiver, magazine and the chamber before handing out your gun to others.

Use the right ammunition

Go through your manual and ammunition boxes to understand the type of ammunition your firearm needs. Using the wrong ammunition will not only damage your firearm but also cause unnecessary accidents. You may not know this but a single cartridge of incorrect caliber or gauge can destroy your firearm. Check your gun’s specifications on the manual to be sure of the suitable ammunition. The experts at Centerfire Shooting Sports are always on hand to answer any questions you might have about your guns and ammunition.

Protect your eyes and ears when shooting

Wear protective gear when you go for target practice. It is important that you have ear and eye protection. The sound that comes from shooting can be too loud and damage your ears. Always wear shooting glasses as they will protect you from falling shots, twigs, solvents that irritate the eyes, and keep you safe in case the gun malfunctions. Do not go on a hunting spree without an ear and eye protection.

Service your gun on a regular basis

Guns need continuous servicing just like any other mechanical devices or equipment. Taking care of your gun will ensure that it does not wear easily and lasts longer. Do not hand your gun over for servicing to an amateur; be sure that whoever has it is skilled and will not alter anything inside. You can consult your manufacturer on how often your firearm needs servicing. Centerfire Shooting Sports has an on site gun mechanic that can also service your gun.

Never use your gun when under the influence

Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks, prescription medicine or any other drug that has an effect on your body when using guns. This is because you need to be in the right state of mind before shooting. Having taken in any drug may make you lose focus and shoot things you had not targeted. Do not be tempted to use your gun even for fun when you are not in a sober state.

Take note of the muzzle at all times

This is perhaps the most common rule everyone who possess a gun is told. Ensure that the muzzle is pointed in the right direction. Most of the gun accidents reported are caused by people who do not point the muzzle in a safe direction. This leads to people accidentally shooting at things they had no intentions of shooting. Point the muzzle towards a direction in which the bullet cannot hit people around. Make it your responsibility to know where the muzzle points at all times.

Attend a gun safety class

Centerfire Shooting Sports offers many gun safety classes for beginners and advanced shooting courses and experiences for group shooting events and corporate outtings. View our calendar or browse our website for more information or call our office to find out more information at 1-913-782-4900.



Bottom Line

Guns, gun laws, and gun possession policies vary from country to country. states that Serbia, Yemen, Cyprus, and Saudi Arabia are the other top four countries with the highest ratio of firearms owned by 100 people. Gun owners in America have the right to own any type of firearm they wish. Gun laws vary from state to state and so one is advised to look at the laws before visiting a particular state.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a non-governmental organization that prides itself in defending firearm ownership and advocating for equal rights and safety for every gun holder in the United States. The organization has been receiving some heat in the recent past, as gun control supporters feel like NRA members are a stumbling block to gun regulation. The bottom line is every adult who owns a gun should be responsible with how they handle the weapon because despite the fact that it can keep you safe, a gun can be dangerous to self and those around you.



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