Centerfire Cares

Here at Centerfire, safety is always at the forefront of our decision making and is our top priority. The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is no exception, and we are taking steps to minimize the risk of exposure for both staff and clientele.

We take pride in the cleanliness of our facility, and extra attention will be applied to regular cleaning, especially in areas that see high volumes of use. Our staff has been directed to engage in frequent hand washing with warm water and soap, as well as adherence to all guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control.

While at Centerfire, we respectfully ask our customers to:
·         Wash your hands with soap and warm water in addition to using the De-Lead wipes provided in the white and blue drums.
·         Bring your own ear protection, as rental ear protection requires sanitization by way of disinfectant wipes after every use. This is something we’ve always done, but supply shortages are being reported on disinfectant wipes. We stocked up in advance, but resupply is not 100% certain.
·         Use the provided tongs when picking up cookies.
·         And most importantly, please stay home if you think you have a compromised immune system or are sick.

Please know that while we continue to monitor the situation, we have no current plans on closing because of COVID-19. Normal range walk in-shooting, classes, lessons, and sales will go on as planned. Should that change, we will make a follow-up announcement.

We will gladly address any questions or concerns you may have, and we thank you for your continued patronage!

Centerfire Shooting Sports