
Find answers to your questions about Centerfire in this FAQ that covers our indoor shooting range, memberships, Firearm Rentals, Firearm Sales, Group Events, Courses, shooting experiences and FFL Transfers.

Do you offer CCW courses?2022-08-16T10:58:11-05:00

Yes, we do.  Take a look at our course calendar for the next CCW course offering.

What other courses do you offer?2022-08-16T10:58:21-05:00

Check Here for the course descriptions, and Click Here to see our full course calendar.

Do I have to own a gun to take a course?2022-08-16T11:00:37-05:00

No, you do not.  You may use one of our Rental Guns.

Are there any prerequisites to enrolling in your courses?2022-08-16T11:01:01-05:00

Some courses may require a prerequisite.  Please check the course listing for the specific course you are interested in.

How do I enroll in a course?2022-09-15T09:32:29-05:00

All courses use online enrollment:

1.  Open the Course Calendar or List of Courses.

2.  Choose the course/date you are interested in by clicking on the course title.

3.  Scroll down below the course description, and you will see the registration options.

4.  Once you select the option to add to cart and continue, you will then be able to complete the purchase and registration for the course.

If you have questions or would like to speak to someone to enroll, feel free to call us at 913-782-4900 or visit us in person.

The course I am interested in is sold out, can I be added to a waitlist?2022-08-16T11:40:56-05:00

Yes, please fill out the Course Event Wait List Form.

Do you host special events?2022-08-16T11:41:51-05:00

Yes, we do!  Click here to view our event calendar

Do you have a Ladies’ Night?2022-08-16T11:42:08-05:00

Yes, we do!  Join us on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm -8 pm, Ladies Your Range Fees are 1/2 Off, No Registration Required.  Just Come on in!!

Where can I find out about your events?2022-09-15T09:42:16-05:00

Click Here for information on events.

Can I signup for Email or notifications about upcoming courses and events?2022-09-15T09:45:07-05:00

Yes, Subscribe to our Email List for exclusive offers and notifications for special events

How can I remove my self from Marking emails?2022-09-15T09:47:30-05:00

Click Here to Unsubscribe from our Marking Emails.

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